AmigaActive (301/2143)

Date:4 May 2000 at 12:24:04
Subject:Re: PPC Update :(

Hi Robbin,

>>Well since my e-mails yesterday got all skewed and mucked up. Basically,
>Hmm sounds like something went a bit wrong there ;)

You could say that! :))

>There's a tool around that resets your flashrom, I dont have it but I sure
>could use it :)

So could I....

>Try asking 'Laire' on IRCnet, he's supposed to have the tool you need.

Problem, I cannot get any IRC client running on my Amiga since I don't have
enough memory, only 1.5Mb (512K has gone 'missing'); and Miami eats up about
1Mb of that leaving 400K normally, ie: i cannot get on IRC to ask this person.

>If he gives it to you, could you be so kind to send it to me so I can pass

>it on to anyone that requests it? :)

Well I say if anyone has it; please get in touch with us two! :)

All the best,

/// Omega Research UK Amiga Software Developers
__ /// -------------------------------------------
\\\/// Nick Lamburn
\/// ----------------------------------------------


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